The Battle Continues!
The Next meeting for the club will be on the 20th of January. I have word from Brad that he will be bringing his cityfight board, so 40k people better bring some cityfight looks like some crazy fun. I think Ryan will be starting the Isle of Draconia Campaign as well...have lists ready for at least 1000 and 1500 points worth.
See you there!
Lord-Marshall Ivey
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
The Club is Famous!
That's right folks. Craig's editorial has been released, and the NCWC is the main attraction. Congratulations people.
Posted by
World Shaper
2:43 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Gaming Fun for the Christmas Break
Downtown Simcoe
Posted by
World Shaper
8:37 AM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
First Annual Rogue Trader Tournament!
Well…the Rogue Trader Tournament on Sunday met with an overwhelming success! I think it was a good time for every body, and I must say that I was very impressed with how professional and prompt everyone was on that day (which made my job of organizing this so much easier). Both game systems were very well represented, and I was able to see an excellent corss-section of armies from the range. I also was able to award some very deserving people on Sunday for great performance, sportsmanship, and painting in both 40k and Fantasy. These people are as follows:
Overall 40k Champ: Robbie Puddy
Best Sportsmanship (40k): Robbie Puddy
Best Painted (40k): Brad Houze
Overall Fantasy Champ: Ryan Wilkinson
Best Sportsmanship: Ryan King
Best Painted: Ryan King
I should say that although there were some top points scored, there were some excellent performances from our players, and so I’m going to post the point totals for the competition here:
Fantasy Final:
Ryan W 6497
Jeff P 6227
Danny P 5500
Will B 2769
Mike E 1746
Ryan K 1402
40K Final
Robbie P 2919
Peter I 2793
Matt M 2643
Brad H 2182
Jill 1908
Cody 1137
I would also like to mention a special thanks going out to Craig “Bodycount” Bodycote for attending our event; Craig is a long-time vet of our hobby, and came out to check our club out and make some suggestions about helping out the club. He was impressed by the event, and has given me some information about running a Hall of Heroes tournament (look for it in February). Thanks again Craig! Craig will be writing a report about his travels as a Grey Knight, and I will post the link here soon. Pictures are also forthcoming from Craig, and I think Jeff also took some of the event.
I hope everyone had some great games, and I can’t wait until the next one!
Lord-Marshall Ivey
Posted by
World Shaper
3:06 AM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
More of Jeff's Handiwork
These are some pictures of the infamous Peace Talks as taken by Jeff
Most excellent pics there...I love this last one, as Ryan shows his true, orcy blood, and decides to play turncoat! Argh!
Posted by
World Shaper
4:29 AM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The Invasion Continues!
Jeff Puddy Reigns Triumphant!
That's right folks! The invasion continued on Saturday as our boys headed out to Black Knight Games in Hamilton to participate in the Hall of Heroes Tournament...Ryan King, Ryan Wilkinson, Owen Wilkinson, and Jeff Puddy battled away for the glory and renown against some tough competition! The boys did very well, scoring high for sportsmanship, army appearance, and out-and-out game-playing.
We are very proud to announce that our own Jeff Puddy, that Skaven-running madman, shot through to the top of the charts. How do you do it Jeff? Answer: A warp lightning cannon hit that kills a giant in the first round! Lol. You rock, Jeff.
On behalf of the club, I would like to extend my thanks to Ryan King and his band of merry marauders for spreading the word about the club, and representing us in true NCWC fashion. Good show!
Lord-Marshall Ivey and Big J Fiendsickle
Posted by
World Shaper
9:13 AM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Building a Tank Company...
Hi Folks,
I've had quite a bit of fun building my tank company (I'm a tread-head, and I'll admit it). I took some pics to show it off, although they're a little too dark...
A picture of the boys in formation...protect the command and artillery!
The Colonel inspects his troops.
The big one! Ok, it's not painted yet, but whoa mama!
Posted by
World Shaper
7:07 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Peace Talks Left in Pieces!!!
Well, we all knew this could happen; the peace talks between the warring factions have been betrayed. Taelus Aerenseid, Master of the Elves of the Deep Wood, exploded into a spawn of chaos in the middle of the talks. As this occurred, many factions seemed to join in on attacking the others, aided by a massive force of Chaos troops.
The High Elf, Dwarf, Saurian, and Empire factions were slaughtered by the betrayers. Harold the Misshapen, the supposed lord of the Chaos faction, is said to have a price on his head by the High Elves. This mysterious figure has since disappeared into the wild regions of the Tarok Mountains, pursuing a renegade band of orcs that seem to have betrayed the dark faction during the battle.
There are also rumors that the infamous leader of the Dark Elves, Lord Hebron, somehow survived the orcish onslaught, and makes his way into the mountains in pursuit of vengeance.
Fantastic Dan De Marco, War Correspondent
Posted by
World Shaper
5:35 PM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Next Meeting Already!
Well folks, next weekend is NCWC's club meeting, and we'll be playing the 40k Mega-Battle! Bring 1000 points of your legal 40k army, and prepare for a pitched conflict with random team members and uneasy alliances...that's right! Orks and Marines, Guard and Tyranids, Tau and Necron working together. side by side! Has the universe gone mad? Short answer -- yes! Long answer -- depends on your definition of sanity! Just bring it! Arbitration will be meted out by volunteer judges...all judgments will stand! Know your army, know thine enemy, and let the bolter rounds fall where they may! You got that? Good! Carry on...BTW: Remember, get in for $2 when you bring a piece of terrain for the club from October-November!
Posted by
World Shaper
6:04 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Small Correction...
Okay...I did some further thinking about the peace talks, and I decided that it could get very crowded on the board with 10+factions with retainers at the point level i quoted. I also decided that it could be difficult for some armies to get a Hero for less than 150, so I've updated the rules in the following way:
You may have one Hero, who must be named, worth up to 200 points.
You may have one unit, which may be chosen form your Core or Special slot, worth up to 250 points.
If you are participating in the Peace Talks, I want to know the name of your Hero by October 1st. The talks are still taking place in November, but I want this info ASAP.
Lord-Marshall Ivey
Posted by
World Shaper
4:50 AM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Big Things a-Comin!
News from the Front -- September 16th, 2007
The turnout today at the club was nothing short of phenomenal. Way to go, people. It was a great day, and I hope that it stays at that level of attendance and general enjoyment. I saw a lot of people there today that I hadn't seen in a while, and a couple that I've never seen. Right on.
As those of you who were there today know, there are a number of things happening at the club right now that I talked about briefly, but that I'd like to go into in more detail here:
- Next club meeting in October (the 21st) will be the 40k MEGA-BATTLE! Bring a standard 1000-pt army, no special characters or opponent-permission only models. Each person will be randomly selected for a team, and that team will set up against the other in a head-to-head super-conflict! This will take most of the day...I assure you. There will be tables set up for Fantasy, but it will be a Non-Campaign day. I plan on having this battle become a regular event, so I will be recording the teams, and created a coveted trophy to be kept at the club for can become part of club history as the first members of the Mega-Battle 40k Team. There is no additional cost to play in the battle.
- In November, there will be a Peace Talk in the Fantasy Campaign following the ceasing of hostilities in October. All generals attending will be worth no more than 150 points, and will be accompanied by a bodyguard of forces amounting to more than 500 points (all organization rules apply). A note to the Fantasy generals: name your hero! Anyone who comes to the peace talks without a name will be given one by me, and you don't want that. Lol. Other than that, November is a regular games day.
- In both November and October, due to our terrain that's in rough shape, we will be asking that anyone who wants to pay $2 instead of the regular $5 for admission can create a CD-sized piece of terrain to contribute to the cause (only up to two entries per person). The conditions are that the club will own the terrain, but it will be for all of us to use in our games. We will be judging the terrain by anonymous vote, and the top three pieces will receive a prize.
Cheers, mates.
Lord-Marshall Ivey
Posted by
World Shaper
6:30 PM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Campaign Updates
Messages From the Front
The hour has grown late...and the Lord Marshall too busy to update the site...sorry. Err...
The battles in Fantasy have been awesome lately, and it sure is great to have everybody out and having a good time at the club. It was a great turn out in July, and I'd sure like to have it like that all the time. Keep it up. I've been busy busy this summer, and that has meant that certain, er, disruptions were bound to occur. Mucho Apologiso. I'm currently working out new territories for a couple of players who don't have one yet for Fantasy (Owen, Ryan, Jeremy, and myself). I will also post soon the current battle ladder for fantasy, which includes the results for Aug. 12th. The tentative day for the next games day will be September 16th. More to come this week as more campaign material comes available.
Some pictures from last games day...
Posted by
World Shaper
3:54 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
The Fantasy Campaign Map & News
The New World...
Each player will receive one of the territories on the map to explore and retain as the base for the army. Each territory has a number of special features to reveal. The territories will be handed out randomly to each player next Games Day, and players may begin to plot out their recent victories and claim territory on their map.
We have made some inquiries to GW about both Club status for NCWC, and if we can put our games toward the Nemesis Crown Campaign that GW is currently running. This doesn't mean that we'll stop our campaign, but we'll put our games toward both instead.
On that note, I hope to see everyone there; the next meeting will be on July 8th, from 10-4, at the Kinsmen Scout Hall in Port Dover. For those of you in school, please spread the word to your friends in the club, and feel free to invite anyone who'd like to come out and see what it's about.
Now, I know that the Fantasy Campaign has attracted the attention of some of you who don't have Fantasy armies. For those who would like to acquire some Fantasy on the cheap, go to and check it out. Enjoy, and see you soon.
Lord-Marshall Ivey
Posted by
World Shaper
12:28 PM
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
News Brief:
It seems that the Empire is tottering again on the edge of war. The Empire has been involved in a skirmish with two Elven forces on the borders. The attacks happened shortly after dawn, as the Empire was on patrol in the forest; a contingent of Wood Elves was spotted and engaged by the brave Empire soldiers. The witchery and unnatural tactics that the Elves used forced the Empire into a rout, and they were forced to retreat back across the border to gather strength again. However, the trickery of the Elves was not yet complete.
Shortly afterward, the Empire headed out under new strength to repel the Elven forces, only to meet up with an entirely fresh contingent. The Empire's forces were decimated. The survivors returning from the battle say that the Elves have the taint of Chaos upon them now, and that there is no doubt now that "they pose a direct threat to the safety of the empire and its allies, and must be met with the utmost resistance!"
The Empire is calling on its allies in the west and north to bring their strength to bear against the seemingly corrupted Elven nations. Arch-Deacon Edderich, counsel to the Empire, is currently on a campaign to bring as many allied forces as he can under his banner, with the intention of marching to battle in the summer months.
May the 2nd of the Eighth Year of Empire
Posted by
World Shaper
4:54 AM
Sunday, April 29, 2007
The incident took place as the Saurian Ambassador Sluur’alzzz was entering the palace on urgent business. Several cloaked elven warriors appeared, and slew the retainers from Lustria before brutally executing Sluur’alzzz. The assassins disappeared into the shadows before the royal guard could apprehend them. Although it is not clear what the motive of the attack was, many believe that the recent overtures toward reuniting the elven nation states has much to do with the reason for the Lustrian presence in Ulthuan.
Posted by
World Shaper
6:08 PM
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Let's Talk Some Shop
As there are some beginners in the club, I thought that I would give you the benefit of my years in the hobby, and share some modeling wisdom (such as it is). Most of this wisdom comes from trial and error, and has been passed to me from other, better modelers than myself. First of all, let’s talk some shop.
Most of us who like hobbies enjoy more of the playing than the actual modeling aspect of it. That being said, I think that you can really take pride in your army when you see it well-painted and presented on the field of battle. The only issues you have then are supplies and determination. Determination is hard to teach, but I think we all enjoy a nicely painted model. It’s all a matter of priorities; if you can commit time to video games and television, you sure can give up some of that time for something more lasting. That’s my last word on that subject. The supplies can be problematic, though, as well.
Brushes: Most brushes you find at Citadel range from $6.00-10.00, which is ludicrous. You’re paying for a name: that’s all. Again, the dollar store and a couple of local hobby/train stores will furnish you with comparable brushes for $1.00-3.00.
Primer: Yikes. This is possibly the only thing that Citadel does really well that is somewhat worth the cost. At least, I thought so until one of our members told me that GW is charging $14.00 per can. Fourteen big ones! Give us a break. At any hobby store, you can purchase a half-size can for $5.00…so if you buy two, you’re saving a third of the price. Testor’s makes a great primer, which is available in many different colours. You might also consider that using the cheaper bottles of paint AS the primer, and dry-brushing the primer on with a tank-brush will save you tons ‘o dough; a lot of paint is wasted on sprues, and you can paint the figures on the sprues just as easily.
Lord-Marshall Ivey
Monday, March 26, 2007
Next Games Day Announced!
The next meeting of the Norfolk County Wargaming Club will take place at the Scout Hut in Port Dover from 10-4 on Sunday, April 29th. As always, we will be hosting open tables for gaming, and all are welcome.
In addition to our regular activities, we will also be signing up players for the Warhammer Fantasy Campaign. There is no additional cost for those who want to play, and we hope that many of you will take the opportunity to enjoy what we hope will be a really cool campaign. At the beginning of games day, we will be sorting out territories for each army, so please come prepared with something to write with AND keep a record. In order to play in the campaign, you will need:
*At least 1000 pts. of a playable army (no Lord choices).
*One named character to act as part of the story.
*A roster sheet for the army that you're playing (e-mail if you need assistance)
Now, for the 40k players, we will be creating a Ladder to keep track of your matches that will begin next games day. To qualify your match for the Ladder, you must submit the following information at the end of your game: the players, the points, the armies, the scenario, and the outcome. Each Ladder season will last a period of six months, and only games fought at the club will be eligible. The winners of the Ladder will receive a prize at the end of the season. Awards will go to the overall champion, the two runners up, and the coveted "Young Blood" (nominated by the judges).
To qualify for the ladder, you must:
*Have a 'legal' 40k army (proper FOC*)
*Play at least five games during the season.
*Play at least one game of 2000 pts. or more.
*Note: Special Characters may not be used in the Ladder Season.
If you're playing in the Fantasy Campaign, be sure to watch the website regularly for a special news post that will tell you about what is happening in the campaign world; it is intended as part of the storytelling aspect of the game. See you next games day!
Lord Marshall Ivey
Posted by
World Shaper
7:55 AM
Monday, March 19, 2007
A BIg Thanks, and Welcome
Games Day Invasion
To everyone who showed up yesterday for the Games Day at the Scout Hut in Dover, thank you. There were quite a number of new and novice players yesterday, and I am pleased to say that they did very well. It's great to see your enthusiasm and enjoyment of the game. I will be sending out an e-mail to all on our new mailing list detailing our ideas for the club. I would ask everyone who was their yesterday, and everyone who comes to this site to inform their friends to come out and support Norfolk Wargaming.
Armies in Attendance Yesterday:
Lord Marshall Ivey -- Fantasy Orcs, 40k Orcs and Chaos Space Marines
Lord Marshall Wilkinson -- Fantasy Vampire Counts, 40k Daemon Hunters
Grand Arbiter Houze -- 40k Chaos Space Marines and Imperial Guard
Sergeant William Boose -- Fantasy Lizard Men
Sergeant Chris Egan -- 40k Chaos Space Marines, Fantasy Skaven
Sergeant Mike Egan -- 40k Chaos Space Marines, Fantasy Empire
Sergeant Cody Ricketts -- Fantasy Chaos, 40k Chaos Space Marines
Posted by
World Shaper
7:17 AM
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Game on in March!
10:00 AND ENDS AT 4:00.
just bring it, oomies!
Posted by
World Shaper
3:02 AM
Labels: games, Port Dover, warhammer
Sunday, March 4, 2007
February Games Day: Let Loose the Dogs of Waagh!!
Games Day at the Scout Hut an Overwhelming Success
The NCWC vets were showing their support for their new club with a strong showing at Norfolk Wargaming's open house event on February 18th at the Scout Hut in Port Dover, Ontario. The boys came out with guns blazing, swords flashing, and dice in hand in order to dish out some gaming doom and have some fun. There were quite a few players, with both Fantasy and 40k armies; all of the players at the event were veterans of the game. It was open gaming for most of the day, and players were able to get in at least a couple of games before the time ran out.
Compliments go out to the generous players who lent their extra armies out to further the quality of play, and NCWC would like to point out that almost all of the players who came to the event were able to get in a game. The Norfolk County Wargaming Club plays such games as Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Lord of the Rings, and Necromunda. Our staff are always on hand during the event as arbiters of play and games masters. We also intend to run tournaments and special painting clinic days, including terrain building.
Special thanks goes out to all the volunteers at the event, including Miss D, our wonderful photographer; we could not have pulled this off without your help. NCWC would also like to thank the Port Dover Kinsmen Club for the use of their hall...otherwise we'd be playing in the snow.
And, Yes Matt; X does mark the spot.
Until next time...Game on!
Lord Marshall Ivey, Arbiter
Posted by
World Shaper
8:57 AM
Labels: Port Dover, wargaming, warhammer
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Battle Report: Orcs vs. Chaos
Chaos and Orks Battle it Out (Fantasy)
Battle Report
Battle Type: Warhammer Fantasy
Mission Type: Recon
Points: 1,000
Forces Involved: Orcs (Attacker)
Chaos (Defender)
A Campaign game… Orcs are trying to expand their kingdom borders. The forces of Chaos have risen to prevent them.
Turn 1
Units advanced. Orcs dispelled Red fire Tzeench spell.
Some Orc warriors failed the animosity check. Orcs and Night Goblins advanced. The Orc stone thrower killed a single Chaos Warrior.
Turn 2
Units moved into position to strike. The Orcs dispelled the Tzeench Red Fire spell again; however the Aspiring Champion of Slanesh had a “book of secrets.” Fried 3 Night Goblins with the Fiery Blast Spell. The Chaos Sorcerer in the unit of Marauders also killed 3 Night Goblins with the “Dark hand of Death” spell. All damaged units passed the LD tests.
An Orc chariot charges the Chaos Warriors. The Tzeench Aspiring Champion chooses to flee to draw the Orc chariot in for a counter attack. Chaos Warriors escape. The rest of the green hoard advanced. The Orc stone thrower targeted the Marauders this turn…killing 2.
Turn 3
The Tzeench warriors recovered and the Chariot of Slanesh charged the Orc boar chariot. The Orc chariot attempted to flee however did not escape and was destroyed, however this brought the Slanesh chariot into range of the Night Goblin Fanatics. 6 fanatics from 2 units of night goblins flew toward the Slanesh chariot. 1 hit causing a wound to the chariot. The Chaos sorcerer’s magic failed this turn.
Some of the fanatics fly through the Slanesh chariot again…this time they hit the Aspiring Champion and kill him. Other fanatics wasted 4 Orc “Big-Un’s,” and 2 Night Goblins. The other Night Goblin unit failed the animosity check and advanced through the path of the fanatic but was miraculously un-injured. The Night Goblins charged the Slanesh chariot. The chariot killed 2 goblins and was not damaged however it lost the combat resolution. It passed the LD test however. The Orc stone-thrower fired at, and hit the Chaos Warriors killing 7 of the 12 including the Tzeench Aspiring Champion. They passed the LD test.
Turn 4
The remaining 4 warriors charged into the night goblins. A tremendous failure… they inflicted no casualties. The Chariot killed 1 goblin, and the goblins killed one chaos warrior causing the Chaos side lost by combat resolution again… this time the Chaos Warriors failed the Leadership test and tried to run away… they were run down by the goblins. The chariot escaped however. The Daemonettes of Slanesh charged the Orc warriors but were short by about an inch… the charge failed. The Marauders poised to counter charge if the Daemonettes were charged. The Chaos Sorcerer’s magic failed again.
A night goblin flew into the Marauders unit killing several off. The Boar Rider and the Orcs charge the Daemonettes… they tried to run but did not escape and were destroyed by the Orc’s. The 2nd Night Goblin unit charged into the flank of the Marauders. The Marauders stood and fought. The first unit of goblins charged the fleeing chariot forcing it to run off the board.
At this point with no less than 2 regiments of Orcs about to strike the last remnants of the Marauders the Chaos player conceded defeat.
The Orcs had all but exterminated the Chaos forces. They captured 2 territories.
Noteworthy Deeds:
The unpredictable Night Goblin Fanatics killed almost as many Orcs as they did Chaos, but managed to cause Chaos a fair amount of grief.
by BigJ
Posted by
World Shaper
8:20 AM
January Posts
First Club Meeting and Open House!!!

The Campaign of Fulgrim
Our new campaign has begun based on the Fulgrim Vale conflict. So far, the armies include an Orc Warband, an Empire Cult of Ulric, a Dark Elf Warband, and A Chaos Undivided Warband. Below is the campaign map as it stands right now. We played two games yesterday, and we're still interpreting the results for the campaign. Battle reports to come soon...
Posted by
World Shaper
8:18 AM
The Fulgrim Vale Conflict December 27th, 2006
Setting: The battle took place in the lowland valley of the Fulgrim Vale, south of the Middle Mountains and west of the road leading to Wolfenburg.
Forces Involved: Two allied, 3000 pt forces; The Dwarves and High Elves led by Thane Darbin Meadhall, and a force of Beastmen, Orcs, and Dark Elves led by Chieftain Krux Ungor.
As the allied force of the Horde struck down from the mountains, plundering their way downward to Wolfenburg, they were caught in their advance by a crafty force of Dwarves and High Elves whose spies had reported the movement of the Horde. The lowlands of the Fulgrim Vale provided the Alliance with a place to halt the forces of evil. The Alliance struck hard at the Horde’s forces with artillery as they advanced across the field, and dealt a serious blow to them before meeting them head on in front of their lines. The battle was at a standstill until several Horde units penetrated the Alliance’s battle line, and overwhelmed the artillery, leaving the line vulnerable to a devastating flanking maneuver. Although the Alliance was able to deal the Horde a great deal of damage, they were defeated, and the Horde continued on towards Wolfenburg.
Moments of Distinction:
Thane Meadhall’s Dwarves – The Slayer contingent, after a round of withering missile fire, drew into combat most of the core forces of the Orcs, killing their boss and driving onward to the Horde’s battle lines. They also engaged several Horde units in the middle of the conflict, joining in the deciding skirmish of the battle. Although both Slayer units were slain outright, they managed to hold the enemy back as long as they could before being slaughtered by the Horde’s Beastman and Dark Elf forces. Born to die, the Slayers proved their worth.
Krux Ungor’s Beastmen – After several rounds, the crafty Chieftain of the Beastmen was able to outflank the solid artillery of the Alliance with a surprise assault from a scouting unit of Ungors with the assistance of the Dark Elf Noble Ullanor D’Arrak. The artillery of the Alliance was wiped out, leaving the flank of the force vulnerable to the rampaging Beastmen and Dark Elf units. D’Arrak, in particular, satisfied his appetite for destruction after watching his Corsairs fall to a man under the fire of the Alliance.
Boss Bagrud’s Orcs/ Lord Areus Silvermane’s High Elves – Although the Orcs were sorely savaged by the Dwarves, the Giant employed by the warband, Thuggor, walked boldly out onto the field, past the numerous artillery volleys and friendly fire mishaps, to threaten the Alliance’s lines. The brave forces of the High Elves responded by standing fast against Thuggor with their formidable cavalry. The giant tore through the Elves, destroying the cavalry unit, but giving the Dwarves enough time to ready their artillery and strike Thuggor with a mortal stone shot blow.
Underdog Award: Night Goblins are not usually useful after releasing their Fanatics into the fray, but this time they proved their worth tenfold. After inciting the High Elves to rage from a vicious Fanatic attack, the Goblins were charged and put to the test by the Elves. Goobda Dingle, Night Goblin Champion, challenged the mighty Mage of the Elves, Erran Larrentri, to personal combat. The combat was a draw, and allowed the Goblins to properly fight back against the Elves. The Elves lost the combat, fleeing back towards the Alliance lines, pursued by the lude and jeering Goblins.
Surviving Forces: The Horde
Chieftain Krux Ungor’s Beastmen – Two Core Units, a Shaman, and a Champion.
Matron Ullanor’s Dark Elves – Two Core Units, Two Sorceress’, and a Noble.
Boss Bagrud’s Orcs – Two Core Units, a Shaman, and Artillery.
Posted by
World Shaper
8:17 AM