January Posts
First Club Meeting and Open House!!!
OY YOU!!!!

The Norfolk County Wargaming Club will be having it's first meeting in February on the 18th. There will be demo games of Warhammer 40k and Fantasy, and there will also be tables available for veteran gamers to come and play. We will be selling some merchandise at the event as well. The site for the event will be the Kinsman Scout Hall in Port Dover just off Hwy #6 coming into town. Admission is $1.00, and proceeds go towards supporting the Kinsman and Kinnette Clubs of Canada. Hope to see you there!!
The Campaign of Fulgrim
Our new campaign has begun based on the Fulgrim Vale conflict. So far, the armies include an Orc Warband, an Empire Cult of Ulric, a Dark Elf Warband, and A Chaos Undivided Warband. Below is the campaign map as it stands right now. We played two games yesterday, and we're still interpreting the results for the campaign. Battle reports to come soon...
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