Let's Talk Some Shop
As there are some beginners in the club, I thought that I would give you the benefit of my years in the hobby, and share some modeling wisdom (such as it is). Most of this wisdom comes from trial and error, and has been passed to me from other, better modelers than myself. First of all, let’s talk some shop.
Most of us who like hobbies enjoy more of the playing than the actual modeling aspect of it. That being said, I think that you can really take pride in your army when you see it well-painted and presented on the field of battle. The only issues you have then are supplies and determination. Determination is hard to teach, but I think we all enjoy a nicely painted model. It’s all a matter of priorities; if you can commit time to video games and television, you sure can give up some of that time for something more lasting. That’s my last word on that subject. The supplies can be problematic, though, as well.
Brushes: Most brushes you find at Citadel range from $6.00-10.00, which is ludicrous. You’re paying for a name: that’s all. Again, the dollar store and a couple of local hobby/train stores will furnish you with comparable brushes for $1.00-3.00.
Primer: Yikes. This is possibly the only thing that Citadel does really well that is somewhat worth the cost. At least, I thought so until one of our members told me that GW is charging $14.00 per can. Fourteen big ones! Give us a break. At any hobby store, you can purchase a half-size can for $5.00…so if you buy two, you’re saving a third of the price. Testor’s makes a great primer, which is available in many different colours. You might also consider that using the cheaper bottles of paint AS the primer, and dry-brushing the primer on with a tank-brush will save you tons ‘o dough; a lot of paint is wasted on sprues, and you can paint the figures on the sprues just as easily.
Lord-Marshall Ivey
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