Monday, March 19, 2007

A BIg Thanks, and Welcome

Games Day Invasion

To everyone who showed up yesterday for the Games Day at the Scout Hut in Dover, thank you. There were quite a number of new and novice players yesterday, and I am pleased to say that they did very well. It's great to see your enthusiasm and enjoyment of the game. I will be sending out an e-mail to all on our new mailing list detailing our ideas for the club. I would ask everyone who was their yesterday, and everyone who comes to this site to inform their friends to come out and support Norfolk Wargaming.

Armies in Attendance Yesterday:

Lord Marshall Ivey -- Fantasy Orcs, 40k Orcs and Chaos Space Marines
Lord Marshall Wilkinson -- Fantasy Vampire Counts, 40k Daemon Hunters
Grand Arbiter Houze -- 40k Chaos Space Marines and Imperial Guard
Sergeant William Boose -- Fantasy Lizard Men
Sergeant Chris Egan -- 40k Chaos Space Marines, Fantasy Skaven
Sergeant Mike Egan -- 40k Chaos Space Marines, Fantasy Empire
Sergeant Cody Ricketts -- Fantasy Chaos, 40k Chaos Space Marines

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