Thursday, December 13, 2007

Gaming Fun for the Christmas Break

Sugar Bare Holistics

Warhammer 40K and Fantasy Fans - Learn to Paint! with Cody Ricketts
~ December 27 6:00 - 8:00 ~
~ January 2 5:00 - 7:00 ~
~ Learn the art of dry brushing. Make your own terrain. $5.00 ~
~ Preregister - spaces limited ~
Warhammer Open Battles
~ December 28 10:00 - 4:00 ~
~ January 3 10:00 - 4:00 ~
~ 40K, Fantasy and Lord of the Rings, bring your armies for open gaming ~
~ Preregister - spaces limited - $5.00 ~
Student & Adult January Workshops
Great Fun For The Kids and Young Adults!
Youth Interactive Discovery with Rosemary Lee (Medical Intuitive)
~ Dates to be announced ~
Spiritual Readings with Rosemary Lee (Medical Intuitive)
~ Dates to be announced - by appointment $45.00 includes tape ~
Adult Interactive Discovery with Rosemary Lee (Medical Intuitive)
~ Dates to be announced ~
Warhammer 40K and Fantasy Fans - Learn to Paint! with Cody Ricketts
~ Dates to be announced ~
Warhammer Open Battles
~ Dates to be announced ~
Sugar Bare Holistics
33 Kent Street South
Downtown Simcoe

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