Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Battle Continues!

The Next meeting for the club will be on the 20th of January. I have word from Brad that he will be bringing his cityfight board, so 40k people better bring some cityfight looks like some crazy fun. I think Ryan will be starting the Isle of Draconia Campaign as well...have lists ready for at least 1000 and 1500 points worth.

See you there!

Lord-Marshall Ivey

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Club is Famous!

That's right folks. Craig's editorial has been released, and the NCWC is the main attraction. Congratulations people.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Gaming Fun for the Christmas Break

Sugar Bare Holistics

Warhammer 40K and Fantasy Fans - Learn to Paint! with Cody Ricketts
~ December 27 6:00 - 8:00 ~
~ January 2 5:00 - 7:00 ~
~ Learn the art of dry brushing. Make your own terrain. $5.00 ~
~ Preregister - spaces limited ~
Warhammer Open Battles
~ December 28 10:00 - 4:00 ~
~ January 3 10:00 - 4:00 ~
~ 40K, Fantasy and Lord of the Rings, bring your armies for open gaming ~
~ Preregister - spaces limited - $5.00 ~
Student & Adult January Workshops
Great Fun For The Kids and Young Adults!
Youth Interactive Discovery with Rosemary Lee (Medical Intuitive)
~ Dates to be announced ~
Spiritual Readings with Rosemary Lee (Medical Intuitive)
~ Dates to be announced - by appointment $45.00 includes tape ~
Adult Interactive Discovery with Rosemary Lee (Medical Intuitive)
~ Dates to be announced ~
Warhammer 40K and Fantasy Fans - Learn to Paint! with Cody Ricketts
~ Dates to be announced ~
Warhammer Open Battles
~ Dates to be announced ~
Sugar Bare Holistics
33 Kent Street South
Downtown Simcoe

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

First Annual Rogue Trader Tournament!


Well…the Rogue Trader Tournament on Sunday met with an overwhelming success! I think it was a good time for every body, and I must say that I was very impressed with how professional and prompt everyone was on that day (which made my job of organizing this so much easier). Both game systems were very well represented, and I was able to see an excellent corss-section of armies from the range. I also was able to award some very deserving people on Sunday for great performance, sportsmanship, and painting in both 40k and Fantasy. These people are as follows:

Overall 40k Champ: Robbie Puddy

Best Sportsmanship (40k): Robbie Puddy

Best Painted (40k): Brad Houze

Overall Fantasy Champ: Ryan Wilkinson

Best Sportsmanship: Ryan King

Best Painted: Ryan King

I should say that although there were some top points scored, there were some excellent performances from our players, and so I’m going to post the point totals for the competition here:

Fantasy Final:

Ryan W 6497

Jeff P 6227

Danny P 5500

Will B 2769

Mike E 1746

Ryan K 1402

40K Final

Robbie P 2919

Peter I 2793

Matt M 2643

Brad H 2182

Jill 1908

Cody 1137

I would also like to mention a special thanks going out to Craig “Bodycount” Bodycote for attending our event; Craig is a long-time vet of our hobby, and came out to check our club out and make some suggestions about helping out the club. He was impressed by the event, and has given me some information about running a Hall of Heroes tournament (look for it in February). Thanks again Craig! Craig will be writing a report about his travels as a Grey Knight, and I will post the link here soon. Pictures are also forthcoming from Craig, and I think Jeff also took some of the event.

I hope everyone had some great games, and I can’t wait until the next one!

Lord-Marshall Ivey

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

More of Jeff's Handiwork

These are some pictures of the infamous Peace Talks as taken by Jeff

Most excellent pics there...I love this last one, as Ryan shows his true, orcy blood, and decides to play turncoat! Argh!