Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Peace Talks Left in Pieces!!!


Well, we all knew this could happen; the peace talks between the warring factions have been betrayed. Taelus Aerenseid, Master of the Elves of the Deep Wood, exploded into a spawn of chaos in the middle of the talks. As this occurred, many factions seemed to join in on attacking the others, aided by a massive force of Chaos troops.

The High Elf, Dwarf, Saurian, and Empire factions were slaughtered by the betrayers. Harold the Misshapen, the supposed lord of the Chaos faction, is said to have a price on his head by the High Elves. This mysterious figure has since disappeared into the wild regions of the Tarok Mountains, pursuing a renegade band of orcs that seem to have betrayed the dark faction during the battle.

There are also rumors that the infamous leader of the Dark Elves, Lord Hebron, somehow survived the orcish onslaught, and makes his way into the mountains in pursuit of vengeance.

Fantastic Dan De Marco, War Correspondent

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