Hopefully not as gruesome as that, but I thought it was a very cool image. On with the show.
I hope everyone's ready for a good year. I've been working quite a bit, so I'm a little slow to update right now..hence the fact that I'm doing the New Year's greeting on the 9th. C'est la vie. I quite enjoyed the extra gaming that Sugar Bare provided over the holidays, and I hope that in the future we can all take the time to come out and enjoy it. As for great hobby news, I've got a couple of things to mention.
Ron's Trains has some excellent hobby kits for making terrain right now...and they're very well priced. Examples include a grassy hill with a tunnel through it, a set of varied trees with different height and colouring, and a whole bunch of other kits that could bankrupt you if you gave in and got them all (I was tempted). Ron really gets the best...check out the terrain matts (grass) as well...I built a great little table by just using one of those, some paint, and some polystyrene.
I have heard some interesting rumors from GW about possibly doing away with blister packets...I don't know if that's a good thing, because I'll really miss going in and picking up a blister, but if they start putting more in a box for less money, then that would be cool (unlikely, but hey, I can dream).
I hope that those of you who are die-hard Fantasy players will take a chance and play some 40k this year; there are some really good armies available for anyone who wants to play them. Juts ask Jeremy or I at the next meeting or e-mail us.
On that note, I would also like to ask if anyone has any ideas about any other game systems they would like to play in the new year, be they GW or not. Bear in mind that it IS possible to get a hold of the minis...
Happy New Year everyone!