The Invasion Continues!
Jeff Puddy Reigns Triumphant!
That's right folks! The invasion continued on Saturday as our boys headed out to Black Knight Games in Hamilton to participate in the Hall of Heroes Tournament...Ryan King, Ryan Wilkinson, Owen Wilkinson, and Jeff Puddy battled away for the glory and renown against some tough competition! The boys did very well, scoring high for sportsmanship, army appearance, and out-and-out game-playing.
We are very proud to announce that our own Jeff Puddy, that Skaven-running madman, shot through to the top of the charts. How do you do it Jeff? Answer: A warp lightning cannon hit that kills a giant in the first round! Lol. You rock, Jeff.
On behalf of the club, I would like to extend my thanks to Ryan King and his band of merry marauders for spreading the word about the club, and representing us in true NCWC fashion. Good show!
Lord-Marshall Ivey and Big J Fiendsickle