As most of you know, the summer has been tricky, but overall it has been very good for us as well.
For the 40k end of things, we finally got the Battle of Bastion off the ground, despite numerous delays and scheduling issues. The battle was very good, and I think it represented some great displays of strategy and guile on the part of both sides (I tip my hat to the Imperials for their excellent use of squadrons, in particular that nasty Dreadnought hit). Thanks very much for making it a good game!
It has been a difficult time for Fantasy lately...I mean, how do you follow an act like the Isle of Draconia? Phah! Mr King will, no doubt, be hatching something big for the next round. Ryan is currently running the Fantasy RPG; for more details, check out the heading under the forum for the latest news.
On the RPG front, Ian has began a Dark Heresy campaign, of which I play the part of Ignatius Jones, guardsman for any job! The mystery has just begun to unravel...check it out under "Secrets and Silverfish" on the forums. This campaign is completely online, so if you are interested in joining, contact Ian directly.
Okay, the big, big news.
August is going to be a blowout for the club. Not only are we hosting a Fantasy and 40k Doubles Tournament, but we are also going to be part of a cross-promotion with the AWA Wrestling Promotion! BigJ has been working like mad, and pushing it like a trooper! Finally, they had to give up, and let him run with it. The Kinsmen of Port Dover (our very generous supporters) will be hosting the AWA event on August 24th. We will be running a snackbar and information kiosk for the club, and a portion of the proceeds from the snackbar will be coming back to us!
What this means for us...
- More money to get some new tables!
- Advertising to promote the club!
- More fundage for prizes for our tournaments!
- And whatever else we can think of to make our club even better!
If you would like to volunteer some of your time on the 24th to help run the snackbar, please contact me, the Lord Marshall, as soon as you can. This is going to be a big deal folks...let's make a good effort to match the work done by our Grand Poo-bah, the Big J.